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Getting started

Developing a Custom Pod Autoscaler is designed to be an easy and flexible process, it can be done in any language of your preference and can use a wide variety of Docker images. For this guide we will build a simple Python based autoscaler, but you can take the principles outlined here and implement your autoscaler in any language, see the examples for some other language implementations.

In this guide we will create a Python based Kubernetes autoscaler. The autoscaler will work by scaling the resource based on a label on the resouce numPods, will scale to the value provided in the label. This is not practical, but it should hopefully give a grounding and understanding of how to create a custom autoscaler. The finished and full code can be found in this example python-custom-autoscaler.

Set up the development environment

Dependencies required to follow this guide:

Create the project

Create a new directory for the project python-custom-autoscaler and begin working out the project directory.

mkdir python-custom-autoscaler

Write the Custom Pod Autoscaler configuration

We will set up the Custom Pod Autoscaler configuration for this autoscaler, which will define which scripts to run, how to call them and a timeout for the script. Create a new file config.yaml:

  type: "shell"
  timeout: 2500
    entrypoint: "python"
      - "/"
  type: "shell"
  timeout: 2500
    entrypoint: "python"
      - "/"
runMode: "per-resource"
This configuration file specifies the two scripts we are adding, the metric gatherer and the evaluator - defining that they should be called through a shell command, and they should timeout after 2500 milliseconds (2.5 seconds). The runMode is also specified, we have chosen per-resource - this means that the metric gathering will only run once for the resource, and the metric script will be provided the resource information. An alternative option is per-pod, which would run the metric gathering script for every pod the resource has, with the script being provided with individual pod information.

Write the metric gatherer

We will now create the metric gathering part of the autoscaler, this part will simply read in the resource description provided and extract the numPods label value from it before outputting it back for the evaluator to make a decision with.

Create a new file

import os
import json
import sys

def main():
    # Parse spec into a dict
    spec = json.loads(

def metric(spec):
    # Get metadata from resource information provided
    metadata = spec["resource"]["metadata"]
    # Get labels from provided metdata
    labels = metadata["labels"]

    if "numPods" in labels:
        # If numPods label exists, output the value of the numPods
        # label back to the autoscaler
        # If no label numPods, output an error and fail the metric gathering
        sys.stderr.write("No 'numPods' label on resource being managed")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The metric gathering stage gets relevant information piped into it from the autoscaler program; for this example we are running in per-resource mode - meaning the metric script is only called once for the resource being managed, and the resource information is piped into it. For example, if we are managing a deployment the autoscaler would provide a full JSON description of the deployment we are managing as the value piped in, e.g.

  "resource": {
    "kind": "Deployment",
    "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "hello-kubernetes",
      "namespace": "default",
      "labels": {
        "numPods": "3"
  "runType": "scaler"

The script we made simply parses this JSON and extracts out the numPods value. If numPods isn't provided, the script will error out and provide an error message which the autoscaler will pick up and log. If numPods is provided, the value will be output through standard out and read by the autoscaler, before being passed through to the evaluation stage.

Write the evaluator

We will now create the evaluator, which will read in the metrics provided by the metric gathering stage and calculate the number of replicas based on these gathered metrics - in this case it will simply be the metric value provided by the previous step. If the value is not an integer, an error will be returned by the script.

Create a new file

import json
import sys
import math

def main():
    # Parse provided spec into a dict
    spec = json.loads(

def evaluate(spec):
        value = int(spec["metrics"][0]["value"])

        # Build JSON dict with targetReplicas
        evaluation = {}
        evaluation["targetReplicas"] = value

        # Output JSON to stdout
    except ValueError as err:
        # If not an integer, output error
        sys.stderr.write(f"Invalid metric value: {err}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The JSON value piped into this step would look like this:

  "metrics": [
      "resource": "hello-kubernetes",
      "value": "3"
  "resource": {
    "kind": "Deployment",
    "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "hello-kubernetes",
      "namespace": "default",
      "labels": {
        "numPods": "3"
  "runType": "scaler"
This is simply the metric value, in this case 5 from the previous step but wrapped in a JSON object, with additional information such as run type and deployment name.

The JSON value output by this step would look like this:

  "targetReplicas": 5

The Custom Pod Autoscaler program expects the response to be in this JSON serialised form, with targetReplicas defined as an integer.

Write the Dockerfile

Our Dockerfile is going to be very simple, we will use the Python 3 docker image with the Custom Pod Autoscaler binary built into it. Create a new file Dockerfile:

# Pull in Python build of CPA
FROM custompodautoscaler/python:latest

# Add config, evaluator and metric gathering Py scripts
ADD config.yaml /

This Dockerfile simply inserts in our two scripts and our configuration file. We have now finished creating our autoscaler, lets see how it works.

Test the autoscaler

First we should enable custom autoscalers on our cluster by installing the Custom Pod Autoscaler Operator, for this guide we are using v1.1.0, but check out the latest version from the Custom Pod Autoscaler Operator releases and see the install guide for the latest install information.

kubectl apply -f${VERSION}/cluster.yaml

This will do a cluster-wide install of v1.1.0 of the Custom Pod Autoscaler Operator.

Now we should create a deployment for the autoscaler to manage, create a deployment YAML file called deployment.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-kubernetes
    numPods: "3"
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-kubernetes
        app: hello-kubernetes
      - name: hello-kubernetes
        image: paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes:1.5
        - containerPort: 8080
This is a deployment we are going to manage with our custom autoscaler, it is initially set to have 1 replica, but we have included numPods: "3" label in it, so if our autoscaler works it will read this value and set the replica count to 3. We should run this deployment in the kubernetes cluster:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Using kubectl get deployments we should see our new deployment up and running with a single pod.

Now we need to build the image for our new autoscaler, switch to the Minikube Docker registry as the target:

eval $(minikube docker-env)
Next build the image:
docker build -t python-custom-autoscaler .
Lets create the YAML for our autoscaler, create a new file cpa.yaml:
kind: CustomPodAutoscaler
  name: python-custom-autoscaler
      - name: python-custom-autoscaler
        image: python-custom-autoscaler:latest
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: hello-kubernetes
    - name: interval
      value: "10000"
This YAML outlines the name of our autoscaler instance, the image/pod definition for our autoscaler using template, the resource we are targeting to manage using scaleTargetRef and some basic extra configuration with interval set to 10000 milliseconds, meaning the autoscaler will run every 10 seconds.

We should now deploy our autoscaler to our cluster:

kubectl apply -f cpa.yaml

If we do kubectl get pods we should see a new pod has been created that is running our autoscaler. Using kubectl logs <POD NAME HERE> --follow we should be able to see if any errors have occurred running the autoscaler, alongside information as to how the autoscaler is deciding to scale.

After the autoscaler has scaled, it should increase the number of replicas for our managed deployment to 3 - specified by the numPods label, check this with kubectl get pods. Try updating the deployment.yaml label value and deploying it again, see how the replica count changes.

Modify the evaluation stage to scale to twice the label value

Now we have a working autoscaler, let's modify our evaluation decision making to set the replica count to double the numPods label value. First let's remove the autoscaler that is currently running by doing either:

kubectl delete cpa python-custom-autoscaler
kubectl delete -f cpa.yaml

Next let's modify the script to be like this:

import json
import sys
import math

def main():
    # Parse provided spec into a dict
    spec = json.loads(

def evaluate(spec):
        value = int(spec["metrics"][0]["value"])

        # Build JSON dict with targetReplicas
        evaluation = {}
        evaluation["targetReplicas"] = value * 2

        # Output JSON to stdout
    except ValueError as err:
        # If not an integer, output error
        sys.stderr.write(f"Invalid metric value: {err}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Rebuild the image as described in the step above. Deploy the autoscaler again as described in the step above. View the autoscaler logs using kubectl get deployments and kubectl logs <POD_NAME_HERE> --follow, once an autoscale has occurred, check the number of pods for the managed resource using kubectl get pods, it should have doubled.

Clean up

Run these commands to remove any resouces created during this guide:

kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml

Removes our managed deployment.

kubectl delete -f cpa.yaml

Removes our custom autoscaler.

kubectl delete -f${VERSION}/cluster.yaml

Removes the custom autoscaler operator.


Congratulations! You have now successfully created a custom Kubernetes autoscaler, for further information as to configuration options see the configuration reference, for more samples, check out the examples for some other language implementations.